Interview Highlights

I think people get so overwhelmed, like “analysis paralysis,” because people being overwhelmed by climate change is a global issue. I do it a lot, too.

- Jay, a sustainability advocate 

If it’s expensive to buy, install, or maintain, then I wouldn’t do it.

- Kyle, a new university graduate, living in Queens.

Since I work, it’s harder for me. I have the weekends available, but I also help out with my family.
It’s hard to find the time.

- Judith, a young working professional.

Context research

We decided to focus on young adults using clean energy as Gen Z stands out for climate change activism and is the generation that worries about climate issues the most. And clean energy is the most impactful climate action we could take.

59% extremely worried, 84% at least moderately worried about climate change

Nearly 40% of US CO2 pollution comes from power plants burning fossil fuels.